Happy Mother’s Day 2020!
Embrace Beauty & Light!
Hello Family & Friends!
Has Life ever taken you underground, to meet its challenges or pursue a dream? Well, I have been in hibernation, out of touch with you, but on this first day of Spring, I emerge to say hello and share a dream come true.
My passion for animals has always been matched by a passion for gardening, and on this day of rebirth, I wish to reconnect with news of the flower farm my husband and I have been developing for over a year—Birdsong Blossoms. We are dedicated to nurturing natural beauty, fresh and local.
Amid the chaos and confusion this Equinox, please be safe and well, above all, but then hug your fur babies and embrace beauty and light by checking us out!
Happy Birthday, Blackie! 31 Years Young!
Blackie had his 31-st Birthday yesterday, January 1, 2020, not because the standard Gregorian Calendar said so, but because the National Thoroughbred Racing Association did. No matter how his birthday is calculated, adopting him and then rescuing his sister, Shadow, also born on the same day, but years hence in 2006, have been among the greatest joys of my life! Like all fur mamas, I love my four-leggeds like family!
Happy New Year to All Fur Mamas and their Four-Leggeds!
May this be your best year yet!