Fur Momma Giveaway

This Mother’s Day I will not receive a Hallmark card, a dozen roses from ProFlowers, or a box of Shari’s Berries. Not because I am estranged from my children, or because they met some tragic fate well before their time. It is because they have four legs and fur. Yes, I am a bona fide “fur momma”!

I want to wish Fur Moms everywhere a beautiful day!  We will not receive the kinds of gifts that traditionally mark this special occasion, but we will be given something else utterly marvelous and nearly indescribable: our fur babies’ unconditional love.


To celebrate you and mark this noteworthy day, I wish to give a Gift Bag, tailored by me to your fur momma liking, whether you have horses, dogs, cats, or something other or a combination thereof.

Please send me your clue/s as to when you first knew you were a fur mom.  First, second, and third place winners will be chosen from your reply comments/posts, and your clue/s may become part of a Top Ten List: “How Do You Know If You Are Another Kind of Mother”?  Deadline for submitting your reply comments/posts is Wednesday, May 31st, 2019.

Please share this Mother’s Day Giveaway with friends and family!
